Today I want to introduce you to the top 10 websites to identify Africa business opportunities and markets! But first a question: Do you know who Theresa Clarke is? She is the founder and CEO of, one of the most popular Africa websites out there. But the reason I’m mentioning her right at the start of this blog is because she really made a lasting impression on me when I listened to her TED presentation about the ‘African Diaspora Divide’ yesterday.
(By the way, this was late in the evening, and I am reminded each day how obsessed I am with my new Africa Business JumpStart mission when I realize how happily I exchange my favorite TV series for yet another round of watching Africa Business clips.)
Theresa Clarke is a well accomplished businesswoman – she made Africa her business and her diverse media coverage has been recognized by Barack Obama, who invited her to accompany him during his Africa trip last year. Like many of us, Theresa Clarke has a message she wants to convey and a vision she wants to fulfill for a better Africa. She wants Africans to unite in all their diversity, pool together all their skills and resources and become ambassadors for Africa on a level that would represent Africa as it is: A rich, proud continent that harbors a huge amount of the world’s natural wealth and a quarter of the world’s population.
And at the end of her presentation she asked everyone to reach out and come together.
I know, it may sound a little too deep for many who simply want to read more good business tips, but I cannot tell you how hopeful I am by the recurring theme and ambition among Africa’s new generation of businesses and entrepreneurs, who see their journey not merely about making money or being successful, but about being on a mission for Africa. There is an increasing collective vision of building a brighter future for the continent and its people and of taking responsibility for this as Africans. And if we can indeed deliver it would be a positive visionary context that would set us apart from the growth stories of other regions; China, for example.
And it is this that gives you greater purpose in life than simply doing business to line your own pockets.
So I decided to write this post about The Top 10 Africa Websites That Help You Identify Africa Business Opportunities. My most important objective is always to add value to your ambitions and to enable you to build a successful African business in less time and with more confidence, so the top 10 Africa sites will be your greatest source of information and inspiration.
But I am also sharing them here and will continue to promote them because, as Teresa Clarke said, we should all reach out to each other and come together for Africa. And the success of these sites greatly serves us all, collectively, in many ways. Here are my top 10 Africa sites, based on relevance to jumpstarting your Africa business. I am using Website Traffic Estimates for the monthly page views of each site.
Here are the Top Ten Websites informing you about Africa Business Opportunities and markets:
#1 How We Made It In Africa
Views in the last 30 days: 332,700 is definitely one of my personal favorites for Africa business news and inspiration. Well, unlike the many other Africa sites it is not African-led but delivered by DHL, the world market leader in sea and air mail, and it follows an interesting concept: It lets African DHL managers based across the continent write part of the content based on their personal observations. Under the title ‘Insight into Business in Africa’ it really delivers just that: Interesting insights that are sometimes hard to find elsewhere; stories that are within reach and delivered with a personal touch. is consistent and publishes a few new articles each day. It should definitely be on your list to learn more about Africa business opportunities if it is not already.
Views in the last 30 days: 748,800 is a Nigeria based online and magazine publication that is hard to match, as it delivers Africa business and investment news at an amazing pace throughout the day. Much of it is based on macro level, outlining major industry developments and deals, and it may be hard to accommodate such large-scale perspectives in your own Africa business plans. But such news items are of great value, as they demonstrate the grander trends and dynamics in Africa’s economy and your business will always fall under those. I recommend in particular the section ‘Diary of an under-30 CEO’ where you will be able to learn valuable lessons from those in Africa who are already running successful businesses.
#3 All Africa
Views in the last 30 days: 2,244,100
is one of the first Africa websites that made it internationally and it remains one of the most popular. is a news aggregation site for business news across the continent, most of it published by national media outlets, so it is the kind of business news you should not miss!
#4 Small Starter
Views in the last 30 days: 73,800
Here comes a gem and I put this incredible site in my top five even though it may be less known. Actually because it is less known than the other sites I just mentioned and I want to promote it! is a blog featuring Africa business ideas and opportunities for entrepreneurs with hands-on, practical, step-by-step start-up advice. As far as I know it is run by a young African, John-Paul, who amazes me with his consistency, professionalism, and love for detail. Love that site and I hope you will, too; I am convinced it will inspire you to find great business ideas if this is where you are stuck. Well done and thanks, John-Paul !
Update Nov. 2014: has become one of Nigeria’s most popular business sites. And I am very proud to announce that John-Paul and I, two passionate Africa business bloggers, have become close business partners. Amazing where your path takes you sometimes. We just published an Africa business idea book together and are working on another startup. Here is the link to our book’s website ‘101 Ways To Make Money In Africa’
# 5
Views in the last 30 days: 264,000 is another site I visit almost every day, and as I mentioned at the beginning of the post it is managed by Theresa Clarke, who was born in Los Angeles of Afro-American parents and who has become a committed ambassador for Africa. If I had been listing Africa sites in general (so without the business focus), would have been my top choice. It is a colorful site that makes you aware of a variety of perspectives and emerging thought leadership. It may be of particular use to you if you want to pursue a business in the travel or creative industry, as it covers these areas better than most other Africa sites.
#6 The Africa Report
Views in the last 30 days: 125,100 is another very professional site that publishes a range of business news items each day through its business news feed (under its business page). It also features news and insights from African CEOs and some reports are sent by in-the-field journalists on the ground. The Africa Report has twice won the Diageo Africa Business Reporting Award for “Best Publication”, as well as the award for “Best Published Feature” and twice the “Best journalist”.
#7 African Business Magazine
Views in the last 30 days: 27,600 is a both a digital and print publication run by the UK-based IC Publishing Group, which also publishes a few other African magazines. What makes this publication stand out is that it shares not only business news across the continent, but it features some great and rare analysis of certain developments and provides some different perspectives.

#8 Celebrating Progress Africa
Views in the last 30 days: 159,200 is yet another great blog managed by a young African woman, Nmachi Jidenma (great to see African women leading the field !). It provides blogs on some of the latest developments, and delivers in particular some useful insights into Nigeria. Its Facebook page is slightly more vibrant.
#9 Silicon Africa
Views in the last 30 days: 144,200 may not be of everyone’s taste be of everyone’s taste, but it is rather popular and I have certainly read some interesting articles on the site. It’s founder, Mawuna Koutonin, takes a very critical view on certain issues and although I am more of an optimistic person, it is good to have someone who takes a different approach to Africa business saying it simply as he sees it. And you cannot help it but get curious when you read titles like: 5 Ways to Unmask People with Hidden Agenda in Africa.
#10 Africa Business Pages
Views in the last 30 days: 65,100
Last but not least: the managed by a team in the UAE. This is not a business news site, but a directory that aims to boost business partnerships among Traders and African distributors. So if you need some guidance with that, have a look what the site has to offer. You need to pay for some of the publications and services, but it is another rare gem for those looking for contact details of potential Africa business partners and clients.
Of course Africa business opportunities are also increasingly covered by major news giants, and my favorites are CNN’s Marketplace Africa and BBC’s Africa Business Report sharing also great video footage with interesting insights on business in Africa. Forbes articles about the success stories of Africa’s most successful entrepreneurs, mostly delivered by Forbes contributor, Mfonobong Nsehe, are another must read if you want to learn from the experiences of those who already made it.
Most certainly I have not captured all the amazing Africa sites that are now emerging online many lead and inspired by Africans, but I have tried to list the most popular and relevant sources if you want to do business on the continent.
I hope I will be able to deliver a fraction of their value to you, so please continue to actively engage and help me grow this site, so it can serve more Africans and help them achieve their ambitions.
If you think some friends or colleagues could benefit from my list of the Top 10 Africa Websites That Help You Identify Africa business Opportunities, please simply share this link with them.
And if you know of any other great Africa Business sites, please share them with all of us below in the comment section.
Am I done ? Oh yes, and don’t forget to visit my own humble Africa Business Jumpstart blog here and to sign up for my monthly FREE Africa Business Intelligence report, bringing you the latest business insights and what they mean exactly for your business.
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