Is This Holding You Back To Start Your African Business? Probably Yes.

Is This Holding You Back To Start Your African Business? Probably Yes.

“I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.” – Tony Robbins

So why are you not getting started? Why are you continuing your 9-5 job that you don’t enjoy much, or the stressful daily routine that is anything else but inspiring and empowering?

According to some experts, the reason you do so is fear.  Consciously or unconsciously.


Fear to part from what or whom you have known so far. Even if your are stuck in that constellation and there is little progress.

Fear of the unknown. We love security, don’t we? Even if it means securely uninspiring, securely boring, or securely stressful.

The fear of failure.

The fear of judgement….what others, close family or friends and strangers alike, may say or think about you.

The fear of success. Not strongly enough believing that you deserve better.

So apparently the reason why you are stuck in old patterns, or why you are not vividly working towards your life plans or dreams is fear.

What you call ‘I have no time… energy’  ‘I don’t know how to do…’ ‘I have responsibilities towards….’  ‘I really would love to, but…’ ‘I don’t think I can…’ ‘One day, I hope I will…’  are nothing else than expressions of your inner fears.

I received an e-mail a few days ago from one of my online success coaches (remember learning from those already successful and copying the strategies is a powerful way towards success) and he wrote:

‘Everyone loves shiny “tips”. So many of us focus on tactics — “Do you know any tips for negotiating? What about tips for finding an idea? Do you have any tips for marketing???” — because those shiny “tips” make us feel comfortable.  […] Indeed, I could throw 50 tactics at you, but if you don’t honestly acknowledge the other reasons you’re not taking action, all the tips in the world are pointless.’

I think he has a point. His words are a bit strong (Ok, some may need the wakeup call), but I have been in that situation: You want to change how things are going in life, and you simply don’t know how. You feel stuck.  You may pursue a few tips, but not much is changing. You give up. It’s not working.

But the truth that I have come to learn: you are the designer and the constructor of your own situation. It’s a harsh realization for some of us.

brian tracy quotes

Now, Africa and its new generation of entrepreneurs offer an inspiring new path. To be part of Africa’s renaissance while building a grand lifestyle for ourselves is a once in a lifetime opportunity…a journey to realize your dreams while positively impacting on the lives of others.

If you find yourself still stuck to a life in which you have not realized your potential, in which you are unsatisfied, stressed, aggravated, or you function like a robot in a routine…with little energy, with little enthusiasm to get up and work on your grand plans… then you maybe need to go to the bottom of it.

Hidden fears? Most probably.

I think the first step to create a better version of yourself and your life is that realization. That’s why I wrote the post. Maybe it can be an eye opener for some. So what is there to be done?

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Said Mandela.

How true. Fear does not subside, but I promise you it gets less each day. Was I terrified to put my picture out there on my blog and worry what others around me would say about my new venture? Oh yes. I did it anyway. You need to take risks, they say. The fear of failure and embarrassment never quite leave you once you step out of your comfort zone. But if that is the path to the life version I am looking for, so be it. I’ll try. Ready to conquer the fear.

As Africans we are closely entwined in our families and communities, norms and expectations, and as humans, we are all marionettes of our thought habits and emotions. Some of them pretty destructive.

So this article is meant as a small push into a different direction. A possible eye opener. An encouragement to dig deeper.

Sometimes in life you need to take radical or brave decisions, and only your actions prove if you mean it. Doing it despite the fear and the unknown. That’s how most successful entrepreneurs have started, grown, and succeeded.

I will leave you with a blog post by my young Nigerian colleague, John-Paul, who wrote a great post about the ‘fear of failure’ . Enjoy and be honest with yourself and your situation.

So why exactly again are you not getting started to turn your life around for the better?

Who is ready to challenge the ‘realities’ that have so far not really worked for you?


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Dr. Harnet
Dr. Harnet Bokrezion is the Founder of and co-author of the book '101 Ways to Make Money in Africa'. She coaches individuals and consults existing companies assisting them to make smart and strategic business decisions in Africa’s new emerging markets faster and more confidently. Dr. Harnet also regularly writes for the renowned DHL powered publication Get in touch to inquire how she can be of assistance to your own Africa business endeavors:

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