DIASPORA ! Why You Should Do Business in Africa in 2016 (My VIDEO message) - Africa Business Jumpstart
DIASPORA ! Why You Should Do Business in Africa in 2016 (My VIDEO message)

DIASPORA ! Why You Should Do Business in Africa in 2016 (My VIDEO message)

It is the end of the year and I am in an increased ‘giving away’ mode to inspire more of you to do business in Africa in 2016. Don’t let another year pass by only to increase the number of Africa business articles you have read or to get stuck in idea formulation. I want you to feel inspired and challenge you to be bold enough to actually get started and take a new perspective on your life and your business vision by tapping into Africa’s intriguing and profitable opportunities!

If you have followed my blog for some time, you may know that I focus in particular on  the Diaspora (although I love the huge variety of people following my work and I also support medium-sized and larger companies with market entry or expansion in Africa – through www.drharnet.com – the last one was from Poland, which I introduced to East Africa’s construction and real estate sector).

But my heart is in particular invested in empowering Africans, the Diaspora, and those of African descent to be part of Africa’s renaissance, build grand lifestyles and businesses for themselves while positively impacting on the lives of others. Because I believe our continent needs us, and in turn, Africa has so much to give back to us (despite the many challenges that come with this passionate relationship)

The new generation of entrepreneurs and business owners in Africa can in my view spread peace and understanding through cooperation and heart-centered wealth creation – in fact, thousands of them are doing that already. This is how we can personally and collectively grow and excel beyond what our history, parents, local communities, politicians, and national educational system have taught us. While some spread hatred and greed or chronically fall into victim mode, we can make a conscious decision to spread abundance for all, to raise awareness about opportunity, and to take a path where we lift others while we climb on the road to success in Africa.

So, today I would like to share my first ever video with a personal message and some serious food for thought with you. It’s a 3-part video series which I have just sent to my most invested Africa Business Jumpstart community – those who have subscribed to my monthly e-book , who have answered my survey in their hundreds, and who take the time to drop me kind notes (I love those).

But I suddenly felt, I did not want to hold back, but simply put my videos out there for anyone who may find inspiration and use in them.

I will share the remaining ones very soon! And also stay tuned for the announcement of my Africa Business Bootcamp Tour 2016 right here on my blog if you want to start walking the talk!

VIDEO 1:  Doing Business in Africa? 3 Things to do first (see below)

VIDEO 2:  Doing business in Africa? How to select the right market 

VIDEO 3:  Doing business in Africa? Finding local partners and the right business concept (Coming soon…)


So, yes today my video message came more from the heart, but although I love sharing market insights and strategies, I passionately believe that doing business on the continent should go far beyond looking for distributors, worrying about corruption, or filling out business registration forms. We should have a real desire to develop this beautiful continent through our ventures no matter if we are on the continent, in the Diaspora, or non-Africans thousands of miles away looking for market entry.

And I promise, if you don’t just put your business mind to it, but also you heart as a human being who wants the continent to flourish, you will get so many experiences, adventures, friendships, respect, and gratitude back that you will rarely find anywhere else.

Join the journey.

JOIN my Africa Business Bootcamp in 2016 ! REGISTER NOW !  (click on image)
Dr. Harnet
Dr. Harnet Bokrezion is the Founder of africajumpstart.com and co-author of the book '101 Ways to Make Money in Africa'. She coaches individuals and consults existing companies assisting them to make smart and strategic business decisions in Africa’s new emerging markets faster and more confidently. Dr. Harnet also regularly writes for the renowned DHL powered publication howwemadeitinafrica.com. Get in touch to inquire how she can be of assistance to your own Africa business endeavors: harnet@africajumpstart.com

User Comments ( 1 )

  • Dear Dr. Harnet

    I would like to thank you for the wonderful job you are doing. I said that with good wishes for more success to come. But, I highly suggest if you address risk (analysis) in greater depth country by country particularly political risks that appears to be the # 1 problem facing most of African nations.

    I also recommend if you focus more on successful countries like Botswana and breakdown the policy that made it possible for its success from the investment point of view.

    From my experience on the ground; the lack of political will by western governments and development agencies made it impossible for African governments to change. for the better. Believe me I have been there and done that.

    You will do Africans, particularly women and the poor a great favor not to mention foreign investors including the African Diaspora if you educate the maker-and-breaker of the markets of Africa how to create conducive policy environment.; Not for extractive industries that are meaningless but value added enterprises.

    After all Africa as a continent and each individual country as economic entity have to follow the market rule to develop and attract real investment. If you ask me; entitlement in the form of Aid directed on the wrong sector is the most market disruptive decision that kept Africa in chaos and investors at bay.

    Good luck with the most adventures and fulfilling not to mention important undertaking you ventured in. I wish there were more people like you to break the cycle of African underdevelopment.